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Searching "61-Key Keyboard Controllers"...

...from "M-Audio" at zzounds.com:

Name M-Audio Axiom Pro 61 Keyboard Controller

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Description The M-Audio Axiom Pro 61 keyboard controller builds on the acclaimed Axiom 61 with premium TruTouch action, proprietary HyperControl MIDI mapping technology and other cutting-edge enhancements. HyperControl automatically maps the keyboard's 65 controls to commonly accessed parameters in digital audio workstations including Pro Tools, Cubase, Logic and Reason*, as well as software instruments.
List Price $699.95
Sale Price $559.00  (20% off!) 
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Name M-Audio Keystation 61es 61-Key MIDI Controller

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Description The Keystation 61es is a 61-note USB keyboard with velocity-sensitive, semi-weighted keys that is designed to easily integrate in any computer music environment. Class compliancy with Mac OS X and Windows XP delivers true plug-and-play setup. More advanced users can control software synths, external sound devices, and more with the assignable slider, and pitch and mod wheels. This sleek, compact keyboard is USB bus-powered and requires no external power supply.
List Price $209.95
Sale Price $169.99  (19% off!) 
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